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Our Policy Objectives 


Strengthening the partnership between Georgia’s business & immigrant communities is good for Georgia’s economy and for all Georgians. 

The BIG Partnership’s Policy Objectives include:

  • Removing barriers to employment for skilled immigrants in health care and other high-demand professions, including by modernizing state occupational licensing requirements. 


  • Addressing workforce shortages by improving access to education and vocational training for immigrants, including by extending in-state tuition benefits to refugees and immigrants who served with the U.S. military overseas.  


  • Strengthening Georgia small businesses, by helping business owners connect with immigrant workers and supporting immigrant entrepreneurs who are creating greater economic opportunities for Georgians.


  • Boosting the rural economy by helping new Americans live, work and contribute beyond the metro area, including in healthcare, IT and other areas of need for rural communities.


  • Establishing a legislative study committee to consider the most effective ways to integrate Georgia’s immigrant community into the state’s economy, address growing workforce shortages in key industries, and develop strategies to sustain Georgia’s economic growth by maximizing the potential of its New Americans.


  • Creating an Office of Global Georgia to inventory and coordinate state policies, programs, and services that strengthen the partnership between the business and immigrant communities and promote Georgia prosperity. 


  • Maintaining Georgia’s tradition of welcoming refugees and immigrants and acknowledging their economic, social and cultural contributions to the lives of all Georgians.

Our Advocacy Work

The BIG Partnership plays an active role in advocating for policies that benefit Georgia and her growing foreign-born population at the Gold Dome and beyond. To learn more about our advocacy work, please view our latest materials:

Avocacy Resuces




During the 2024 legislative session, the BIG Partnership led several initiatives which would expand access to education and employment for foreign-born Georgians, allowing them to more fully participate in the economy. 

  • SB 264: Would grant in-state tuition eligibility for refugees, SIVs, and humanitarian parolees upon resettling in Georgia.

  • SB 529: Would create a new pathway to practice for international medical graduates based on a Virginia model.


 To stay in the loop with all CRSA advocacy news, sign up for action alerts here.

View the New Americans Resolutions recognizing the contributions of foreign-born Georgians here (H.R. 1048) and here (S.R. 593). 

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2024 Legislative Session

Studies and Reports

Bipartisan study committee and commission reports including BIG Partnership recommendations:

© 2020 by BIG

Website developed by Crystal Munoz

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